Thank you, No Einstein, for addressing me in a nearly civil manner.
It's a step up from your moronic followers, but I must insist that you
learn some manners. People might consider taking you seriously if you
Now, why are you trying to exceed velocity 'c' in the first place? Do
you know what happens when we've tried? Think of a particle
accelerator. When a particle is given the energy and the proper
conditions to move beyond velocity 'c', it simply fails to do so. Why?
When a tennis player serves an ace, the ball simply fails to travel faster
150 mph. Why?
Because that's as fast as his arm and racket will move, you uncivilised
ignorant fuckin' imbecile.
Because p = m gamma v approaches infinity as v approaches c.
Bullshitting idiot.
particle gains inertia and mass relative to the observer.
I'm glad you said "relative", you prat. So when massive
hadrons travel in opposite directions at c one of them is
travelling at 2c RELATIVE to the other.
Magic gamma pulled from Einstein's arse.
Total crap.
There is a whole other aspect of Special Relativity that guarantees
mass-energy equivalence by demonstrating that Newtonian laws of
conservation are all interrelated. Apparently you are unfamiliar with
this, so I suggest you read it.
I suggest you shut the fuck up.
four-letter words. NE