On Dec 6, 9:37 pm, ALP = Abusive Liars Party
On Dec 6, 8:33 pm, Gillard=Dudd in a frock.
Anyone know why Jews are not well liked?
On the contrary, they are well liked, except by Nazis like you.
Indeed there is a psychological condition known as Judaeophilia, or
philosemitism (compare. It is not as widespread as sufferers may like
to believe,
The reality is that no-one really notices semitism until anti-semite
fuckwits point it out. People with a brain are neither pro nor
anti-Jewish, or 'Negro' or Polynesian for that matter.
Diversity should be celebrated and the dreadful *sameness* of National
Socialism makes you wanna throw up. Stalin and Hitler could have been twins.
How do you account for the long list of great men who have said
disparaging things about the Jews? Brain dead were they? Would you
like me to provide a list for you? People don't notice semitism or
antisemitism because most of them don't know all that much about Jews,
their beliefs, home life, habits and ambitions.
In moderation I'm for diversity myself. It would indeed be a boring
world if no repulsive people were permitted to exist.