Fetuses burned to create electricity
(too old to reply)
2014-05-08 07:15:41 UTC
In article
The bar mitzbah has absolutely no basis in the bible; it's
merely a custom.
Yes, it is custom. There is nothing in the Torah that says
anything about it.,
OK--we took a Jewish CUSTOM and made a CHRISTIAN CHURCH DOCTRINE
out of it.
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the notion
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die. ie your claim that "In other words, if a child dies
prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go to heaven".
Catholicism knows as much.
I have an uncle who died as a baby during the war (dysyntery
killed not only soldiers) before he could be baptised. He
was not buried in consecrated ground and my grandmother was
told she would not be reunited with him in heaven since he
had not been absolved from original sin through baptism.
He's in heaven.
He's dead. That's it.
His physical body is dead but his soul and spirit are in heaven.
2014-05-08 07:16:49 UTC
But it says nothing about going to heaven, only that 'little ones'
assume that means those that were still little children at that
and those children who 'in that day' didn't know the difference
between good and evil will get to go to their promised homeland.
Though it is not clear what 'in that day' means .. it appears it is
some day in the past and that they have since become adults and are
no longer 'little ones'. For the inerrant word of god the bible is
poorly written and unclear.
The fact is that we stole the doctrine from the Jews. The Jews
special ceremonies (eg bar mitzvah; bas mitzvah) when children
reach the age of 13 years old. The ceremony means that those
children have reached the age of accountability and are now
official adults that know the difference between good and evil.
you want the answer to your question, ask a rabbi why they have
mitzvah and bas mitzvah services for 13 year old children.
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the notion
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die. ie your claim that "In other words, if a child dies
prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go to heaven".
As I have said countless times, we stole the doctrine from the
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the notion
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die. ie your claim that "In other words, if a child dies
prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go to heaven".
There are no good scriptures on this subject. We stole it from the
Your admission of defeat is noted.
So there is no scripture to support it, despite your failed attempt
to produce some (Deut 1:39). Perhaps you should have been honest
from the start? Though that would be expecting too much.
Ezek. 18: 14-20
2014-05-08 07:17:32 UTC
In article
But it says nothing about going to heaven, only that 'little
ones' (I assume that means those that were still little
children at that time) and those children who 'in that day'
didn't know the difference between good and evil will get to
go to their promised homeland. Though it is not clear what
'in that day' means .. it appears it is some day in the past
and that they have since become adults and are no longer
'little ones'. For the inerrant word of god the bible is
poorly written and unclear.
The fact is that we stole the doctrine from the Jews. The
Jews have special ceremonies (eg bar mitzvah; bas mitzvah)
when children reach the age of 13 years old. The ceremony
means that those children have reached the age of
accountability and are now official adults that know the
difference between good and evil. If you want the answer to
your question, ask a rabbi why they have bar mitzvah and bas
mitzvah services for 13 year old children.
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the
notion that all children below some age (including fetuses) go
to heaven when they die. ie your claim that "In other words,
if a child dies prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go
to heaven".
As I have said countless times, we stole the doctrine from the
It's is NOT Jewish doctrine. It is Jewish custom.
OK--we took their custom and made it into a church doctrine.
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the notion
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die. ie your claim that "In other words, if a child dies
prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go to heaven".
There are no good scriptures on this subject. We stole a Jewish custom
Your admission of defeat is noted.
So there is no scripture to support it, despite your failed attempt
to produce some (Deut 1:39). Perhaps you should have been honest
from the start? Though that would be expecting too much.
Ezek. 18: 14-20
FarceWatch, Inc.
2014-05-08 17:52:20 UTC
SO you admit defeat .. there is NO scripture to support the notion
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die.
It is assumed that "babies" and fetuses are innocent.....Do you refute that?

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