2014-05-08 07:15:41 UTC
In article
Yes, it is custom. There is nothing in the Torah that says
anything about it.,
OK--we took a Jewish CUSTOM and made a CHRISTIAN CHURCH DOCTRINEThe bar mitzbah has absolutely no basis in the bible; it's
merely a custom.
merely a custom.
anything about it.,
out of it.
that all children below some age (including fetuses) go to heaven
when they die. ie your claim that "In other words, if a child dies
prior to obtaining the age of 12, they will go to heaven".
I have an uncle who died as a baby during the war (dysyntery
killed not only soldiers) before he could be baptised. He
was not buried in consecrated ground and my grandmother was
told she would not be reunited with him in heaven since he
had not been absolved from original sin through baptism.