2009-03-31 17:27:30 UTC
On Mar 31, 9:56 am, Eric Gisse <***> wrote:
> Its' so cute when the uneducated amateur ..
Amateur huh? Shows how little you know. I have a BA in physics and
even went to graduate school where I took grad EM, classical mechanics
and QM (I even learned GR in the GR course at MIT). According to your
claims on this forum I have more education than you do. And as far as
this subject goes, I know more than Tom does.
Keep it up moron. You prove me more right with every post you make.
> Its' so cute when the uneducated amateur ..
Amateur huh? Shows how little you know. I have a BA in physics and
even went to graduate school where I took grad EM, classical mechanics
and QM (I even learned GR in the GR course at MIT). According to your
claims on this forum I have more education than you do. And as far as
this subject goes, I know more than Tom does.
Keep it up moron. You prove me more right with every post you make.