2010-04-06 20:58:48 UTC
On Apr 6, 10:42 am, "DigitalRadioScammers"
small outfits are not. People actually in the industry would know
who's filing and who's not.
Although Clear Channel managed to stave off bankruptcy for now, only
their billboard business is keeping them afloat. (Imagine an
antiquated business like billboards generating enough profit to keep a
digital communications empire alive.) Ma and pa broadcasters are
looking better and better.
Please cite a source.
We all know that a few of the big broadcasters are in trouble.
Please cite some source that ma/pa broadcasters are all doing much better.
Bankruptcy filings are public records. Big outfits are filing whiletheir billboard business is keeping them afloat. (Imagine an
antiquated business like billboards generating enough profit to keep a
digital communications empire alive.) Ma and pa broadcasters are
looking better and better.
Please cite a source.
We all know that a few of the big broadcasters are in trouble.
Please cite some source that ma/pa broadcasters are all doing much better.
small outfits are not. People actually in the industry would know
who's filing and who's not.