Closest to the moon by walking
(too old to reply)
Michael A. Riches
2009-05-22 21:42:49 UTC
I didn't mean YOU should think about it,
Well, then...??? "WHO" should think about it...???
that would clearly be an impossibility.
For you or Klooch...???

Steve Haymes
2009-05-25 15:13:05 UTC
(And I provided the evidence, you ignorant trolling cunt!)
You sound a little defensive, maybe you shouldn't take yourself
so serious, genius. As for calling me an ignorant trolling cunt, your
earlier personal attack on Frumious (and I'm not defending anyone
but the incomparable Bill Mauldin), proved that you're exactly
what you've accused me. Eat a dirty dick "Androcles". If your post
had been an on-topic refutation of facts instead of a juvenile pissing
match, I would have felt more inclined to inform you more about the
man that Bill Mauldin was. I'm sorry you weren't chess club captain
Androcles, maybe you should just live up to your chosen handle
and be a humble man. Get over it, wanker.

