The Highlander
2007-07-13 15:42:28 UTC
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 00:51:02 -1000, James Hogg
my lucrative day job, and I can trust that you will never give up your
daily hand job.
You know, Mike, fate is cruel. Just as people with lisps tend to be
lumbered with names like Cecil Sumpter, people who don't like their
mistakes to be pointed out tend to make an awful lot of them, and to
proclaim their ignorance as loudly as possible by posting inordinate
amounts of rubbish to publicly archived newsgroups.
Both the prickliness about being corrected and the insatiable desire
for self-publicity are well-known symptoms of Narcissistic Personality
Still, your fellow-sufferer DS Hines has ceased to be, and the absence
of his cross-posting means that you are now confined safely to
soc.culture.scottish and no thus longer infect groups like
sci.military.naval and
The world has suddenly become a better place, and so I leave you with
Farewell, farewell, dear Canada
Land of Musqueam no longer
Strangers have trod thy glory on
In guile and treachery stronger
The brave and just sink in the dust
On ruin's brink they quiver
Heaven's pitying eye is closed on thee
Adieu, adieu for ever
James Hogg (1770-2007)
The Highlander
Tilgibh smucaid air do làmhan,
togaibh a' bhratach dhubh agus
toisichibh a' geàrradh na sgòrnanan!
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:40:09 -1000, James Hogg
'Mid mouldering ruins low he lies;
For yon Mac Phàdruig's barbèd wit
Has closed the Shepherd-poet's eyes.
If you're comparing yourself with the Ettrick Shepherd, then your ego
has indeed run riot. My thought would be that you don't give up your
day job, assuming in my kindly fashion that you actually have one.
OK, I think we have a basis for a modus vivendi here. I don't give upThe other concerned the late Rudolf Nureyev who died of AIDS, but who,
while holidaying in the south of France with a male companion, was
arrested by the French police as a result of their activities inside a
The New Statesman invited readers to send in a one-word description of
what they might have been doing, which was won handily by "camping",
which was slang at that time for engaging in homosexual activity. (I
believe the modern slang term is "cottaging", but I stand ready to be
corrected by James Hogg or anyone else more intimately informed about
such matters...)
The mighty Minstrel breathes no longer,while holidaying in the south of France with a male companion, was
arrested by the French police as a result of their activities inside a
The New Statesman invited readers to send in a one-word description of
what they might have been doing, which was won handily by "camping",
which was slang at that time for engaging in homosexual activity. (I
believe the modern slang term is "cottaging", but I stand ready to be
corrected by James Hogg or anyone else more intimately informed about
such matters...)
'Mid mouldering ruins low he lies;
For yon Mac Phàdruig's barbèd wit
Has closed the Shepherd-poet's eyes.
has indeed run riot. My thought would be that you don't give up your
day job, assuming in my kindly fashion that you actually have one.
my lucrative day job, and I can trust that you will never give up your
daily hand job.
You know, Mike, fate is cruel. Just as people with lisps tend to be
lumbered with names like Cecil Sumpter, people who don't like their
mistakes to be pointed out tend to make an awful lot of them, and to
proclaim their ignorance as loudly as possible by posting inordinate
amounts of rubbish to publicly archived newsgroups.
Both the prickliness about being corrected and the insatiable desire
for self-publicity are well-known symptoms of Narcissistic Personality
Still, your fellow-sufferer DS Hines has ceased to be, and the absence
of his cross-posting means that you are now confined safely to
soc.culture.scottish and no thus longer infect groups like
sci.military.naval and
The world has suddenly become a better place, and so I leave you with
Farewell, farewell, dear Canada
Land of Musqueam no longer
Strangers have trod thy glory on
In guile and treachery stronger
The brave and just sink in the dust
On ruin's brink they quiver
Heaven's pitying eye is closed on thee
Adieu, adieu for ever
James Hogg (1770-2007)
Tilgibh smucaid air do làmhan,
togaibh a' bhratach dhubh agus
toisichibh a' geàrradh na sgòrnanan!