Your ability to misunderstand a wide range of subjects is most
I guess you can only throw insults since the only time you opend your
beak was about tempurature and tensors which me, others and Wikipedia
told you that you were incorrect.
It is now July, and as expected you /still do not understand/ the
simplest of things.
Liar and coward, that is not the reason you left it for July.
I think understanding my thought processes is a shade beyond you since
you can't even understand classical mechanics.
* Others is supposed to be singular, not plural. Only one other person
supported you, and his arguments were even more specious than yours.
Three to four, not one other, I even stopped and they kept posting to
Don't make me dig it up.
One other person, and that was Ken S. Tucker. He shouldn't even count
because he wasn't even arguing about the same thing - I was talking
about temperature, he was talking about 1/kT multiplied by the four-
* Wikipedia does not support you, no matter how many times you
100% Liar and coward, you kept crying Wikipedia was wrong. Don't make
me dig it up.
Since you have such a boner for Wikipedia, I edited the Wikipedia
* Your inability to understand the argument does not alter the
validity of the argument.
Coward, you now know you were wrong. Your analysis was wrong because
you didn't understant that THERE IS BOTH a relativistic and invariant
temperature, you were applying your principles to one instead of the
Unlike you, I have actually studied thermodynamics. Do keep that in
Beginning to end, time is a Lorentz scalar thus temperature likewise
since it's proportional with the time.
Since you continue to think quantities that transform are Lorentz
scalars, now would be a good time for you to go review what it means
to be a Lorentz scalar.
You ***MUST*** answer the above or you will keep hallucinating.
Relativistic Mass is not a Lorentz scalar. Invariant REST MASS is a
Lorentz scalar. Likewise Relativistic Temperature is not, where as
Invariant Temperature is a LORENTZ SCALAR.
Gas Molecules vibrate at time rate proportional to their temperature,
if Temperature didn't Lorentz contract then time dilation would not
occur for these Gas Molecules.
None of this is right. Go study some thermodynamics.
Such cowardice.- Hide quoted text -
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