Dimbulb hyjinx Re: Nelson
(too old to reply)
The Inconvenient Truth
2010-07-08 21:54:51 UTC
it's a strain on the brain to be constantly translating STUPID.
You can't buy this kind of entertainment!
Well, you could if you weren't collecting SSI.


BTW, how many nicks does that make that you posted under today?
The Inconvenient Truth
2010-07-08 22:09:39 UTC
Look at it's posting nick, and it's message, and tell me what's
wrong with this picture.
I know. It's been plavined.
Allow me to assist you with some remedial reading. My post was
intended to point out to those who are at least semi-literate the
irony of someone who identifies themselves as a stooge calling
anyone else an idiot.
I'll give you a couple days to parse and research the paragraph
above. Take your time, you're less likely to reaffirm your
moronitude if you slow down your rush to humiliate yourself.
Bertt Farve
I think, but you don't
It's pretty lame that you have to constantly explain the substance
of your "posts", einstein.
You mean it's lame because it's obvious that you and your MPD-derived
sockpuppets are too fuckin' stooopid to understand them?
BTW, Einstein should be capitalized, genius.
-I think, and you struggle to remember to piss so your bladder
doesn't explode
come on, you can do better than that, sockboi.
I could, but why waste the effort, when I have already thoroughly and
repeatedly made a total fool of you? It's something I can do at will, almost
in my sleep, yet you're as helpless to prevent it as a blind rat drowning in
a cesspool. I'd think you'd at least be smart enough not to tempt me to
abuse you even more thoroughly.
Bertt Farve
I think you're too stupid to even look at me, psychosis boi
A legend in no one's mind. You don't have a mind, so you're not even a
legend there.

K knows it you, moron. She's has experience dealing with your
many personalities.

