Uncle Ben
2009-04-16 16:35:00 UTC
no matter what a theory you want to promote
Don't be reassured by the word of Androcles, who believes that therethe math will match 100% for sure
and if not yet, then they will invent another math, which will match
this is how they did it all the time
and btw, first come
1. the invention
2. the theory
3. the math
mcdull.net... very apt.and if not yet, then they will invent another math, which will match
this is how they did it all the time
and btw, first come
1. the invention
2. the theory
3. the math
is a smallest positive number greater than zero. But he won't tell us
what it is.
Uncle Ben
I did tell you what it is: h.
Don't be reassured by the ranting of Uncle Bonehead, who believes that
there is a positive number for the area of a circle of unit radius. But
illogical fuckin' idiot won't tell us what it is.
Don't be reassured by the raving of Uncle Bonehead, who believes that
there is a positive number for the base of the natural logarithm. But
illogical fuckin' cretin won't tell us what it is.
Don't be reassured by the bullshit of Uncle Bonehead, who believes that
there is a complex number for the square root of minus one. But the
useless ignorant troll won't tell us what it is.
If proof by contradiction befuddles you, John,
It doesn't, so
If proof by Einstein-said-so befuddles you, "Dr." Bonehead, I'm not
to have taxed your brain, you obviously don't have one and would argue
The way it goes, you see, is as follows: One proves
something false by assuming it to be true and then showing that that
assumption leads to a contradiction, such as "light is always propagated
empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state
motion of the emitting body" leading to "the speed of light is c in all
frames" -- about which Uncle Bonehead says "Harry is right. And
Androcles did indeed read Einstein's paper more carefully than I
did." --bwhahahaha!
Of course, Uncle Bonehead is so smart he knew all along that Einstein
was disproving his own postulate by reductio-ad-absurdum, but Uncle
Bonehead is too stupid to realise Androcles has outsmarted him with
something as trivial as
1. Assume that there exists a smallest number greater than zero: Call it
2. But h/2 is smaller than h
/unquote -- Uncle Bonehead
Therefore line 2 is false, a proof by contradiction.
A. Assume that the green "Dr." Bonehead has a Ph. D. in mathematics.
Therefore the assumption in line A is false, he didn't claim to and he's
ignorant of the subject.
What he DID claim was a Ph. D. in physics.
I call it a real challenge because that light curve is empirical data.
Change the value in cell Q2 to 3 to see it modelled.
Change it back to 0 and you can play with the values in cells K2-P2
and see the effect they have.
And please, no stupid lectures about "closing speed", this is called
research and defending a thesis.
"If we knew what we were doing it would not be called research,
would it?" -- Einstein
"Only two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity - and
not sure about green Uncle "Dr." Bonehead the MIT fraudulent lecturer"
-- Einstein- Hide quoted text -
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Uncle Ben
Not even you see what you mean.- Hide quoted text -
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desired precision by infinite series which are known to converge.
You see what I mean, Uncle "Dr." Bonehead won't tell us what they are. -
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and keep it hidden-
He's such a moron he keeps writing "- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted
text -" as if it had any meaning.
Why do you write that shit, Uncle "Dr." Bonehead?
Your number h can be proved not to exist.
The proof is by
contradiction, a method which you do not seem to understand. To avoid
the contradiction, you have asserted that there is a real, positive
number that cannot be divided by two, which is so obviously absurd as
to be laughable.
Uncle Ben
If Uncle "Dr" Bonehead thinks he can disprove a definition by contradiction
then let him do so.- Hide quoted text and keep it hidden-
Proof by "Uncle "Dr" Bonehead said so" is so obviously absurd as to be
laughable.- Hide quoted text and keep it hidden-
Clearly Uncle "Dr." Bonehead doesn't know the difference between a
definition and a postulate.- Hide quoted text and keep it hidden-
No doubt the obviously absurd and laughable physicist "Dr." Bonehead can
tell us what half an electron is since he can divide anything on his whim.-
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must now believe that since I have defined it, it must exist. Ha, ha!
What a magical mathematician!
Uncle Ben