2008-12-21 13:35:53 UTC
On Dec 21, 12:56 pm, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Hello doctor fundie!
I'm sorry for laughing about you but you are really that funny in the
way the unified field theory suggests.
Then again
science => progress
money => truth
is not progress. So, we may conclude this is not very scientific.
money => opinion => consensus => truth
Your kindergarten bully tactics aren't going to talk you out of this
Back to square one for you (the Tee Vee)
opinion => consensus => truth
money => opinion => consensus
The unified field theory becomes.
money => opinion => consensus => truth
money => truth
Hey will you look at that? Is that strange or whut?
[snip]money => opinion => consensus
The unified field theory becomes.
money => opinion => consensus => truth
money => truth
Hey will you look at that? Is that strange or whut?
I'm sorry for laughing about you but you are really that funny in the
way the unified field theory suggests.
Then again
science => progress
money => truth
is not progress. So, we may conclude this is not very scientific.
money => opinion => consensus => truth
Your kindergarten bully tactics aren't going to talk you out of this
Back to square one for you (the Tee Vee)