Where is the matter Einstein says velocity creates?
(too old to reply)
Peter Webb
2010-10-14 15:57:25 UTC
| > They don't even have the same experiments.
| What is that supposed to mean?
It means physics doesn't use gedankens (thought experiments), dumbfuck.
Yes, it does,
No it doesn't, you stinking liar.
No math, just more verbal diarrhea from a sociopathic bully.
"Requests for *proof* will be routinely ignored in science because
theories are not proven in science."-- Mallard.
Algebra and irrational numbers have you fucked, Mallard.
If you do not comprehend it, it is only by virtue of your choice NOT
TO TRY, not to expend the effort.
You are a fucked up blind duck.
The rancid fat, Mal-lard, has nothing better to do with his time and
my computer is too dumb to care.
It is a lazy man who whines in the way you do, Mallard.
[sitting in the duck blind, waiting with a shotgun for a duck to appear]
You would make a good Schrodinger's cat.
2010-11-23 21:47:07 UTC
Folks: The stupid people who suppose that KE = 1/2 mv^2 and E = mc^2 /
beta are... "OK" equations, don't believe in the Law of the
Conservation of Energy.
KE=1/2 mv^2 is completely consistent with the conservation of energy.
So is E=gamma*mc^2.
No math, just more verbal diarrhea from a sociopathic bully.
"c is 1 and unitless" -- Mallard
"(x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 + (z1-z2)^2 - (t1-t2)^2 is invariant" -- Mallard.
"It turns out that you can verify curvature of a space without
ever stepping away from the space to see it embedded in a
higher dimension." - Mallard.
"Requests for *proof* will be routinely ignored in science because
theories are not proven in science."-- Mallard.
Algebra and irrational numbers have you fucked, Mallard.
If you do not comprehend it, it is only by virtue of your choice NOT
TO TRY, not to expend the effort.
You are a fucked up blind duck.
The rancid fat, Mal-lard, has nothing better to do with his time and
my computer is too dumb to care.
It is a lazy man who whines in the way you do, Mallard.
"You can't even keep track of the lies you say." -- Mallard
[sitting in the duck blind, waiting with a shotgun for a duck to appear]
Alright, Androcles. Please explain to us how KE = 1/2 mv^2, upon
INPUTTING a uniformly increasing, or LINEAR velocity, can OUTPUT any
quantity (pound, pound-feet/sec or etc.) that is increasing semi-
parabolically? Unless you can do that, then you, apparently, believe
that 1 + 1 = 4, or the output can exceed the input. For those of you
having difficulty visualizing math that simple, the latter (false)
equation is like putting two pounds of steak into a meat grinder and
getting out four pounds of hamburger. That would be nice, wouldn't
it? But Mother Nature hasn't allowed such a thing to happen since the
creation of the Universe! — NoEinstein —
