2009-07-26 14:08:36 UTC
I'm with you Paulie. Let's get out there and crush them. Death to
all brown skinned foks. Jezus was born at the Grand Ole Opera and
never forget it.
My guess is you're a zombie from the left posting this garbage toall brown skinned foks. Jezus was born at the Grand Ole Opera and
never forget it.
stoke more racial fires like your buddy Gates did. Any true
conservative doesn't care at this point if obama was born here or
not....that story is over. How about investigating him for taking
millions of dollars in campaign contributions from wealthy foreign
arab muslims. Spelling Jesus the way you did is also indicative of
someone who doesn't respect him as our Lord and Savior so that tells
me you're a zombie. No story here, time to move on.
in Panama, not Kenya.
same as obama. obama is Carter term and gone.