Question about power capacity of electrical motors.
(too old to reply)
Serg io
2017-07-17 16:02:56 UTC
Thanks. I doubt is pure silver. They use silver as a title, you need to
look into the datasheet, as always. To see the characteristics,
tolerance etc. More than likely plated with something else. Air and
water kills silver in no time. Basic things.
Yeah, they don't mean "silver plated" they mean plated with something
silver colored. (Are we still allowed to use the word "colored"?)
Go away, you are too stupid to say anything.
you now sound like "Dear Leader" of DPRK
Serg io
2017-07-18 20:31:39 UTC
All smd boards are today gold plated, no need for solder.
wrong. OSP is used to react w copper + keeps copper from tarnishing,
That 'gold' is OSP, "Organic Solderability Preservative" a
Let me guess. You got this whatever crap from a website. Take a look
into your smart-phone, young man. Better yet, smash the major
components with a
hammer. Inspect it through a powerful microscope.
nope, google "purple plague" well known in the industry and a major
reason not to use gold.
Mee to google?? the globalist google is googling MEE, young man. You are
tootaly unemployable in any civilized country, no offence. You almost, not
even, former half-engineers stick together like hyenas. Never learning
anything. Talk to somebody else.
I googled your name "Ustin Veterre", and it is a type of Clam that lives
in the bottom of small ponds in SW corner of Georgia.

Clams have a cerebral ganglion, a visceral ganglion, and a pedal
ganglion, but no brain. No wonder you have problems in this newsgroup,
you have nothing that can do higher order thinking for you. Not even
your Mom clam.

see? no brain;
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Serg io
2017-07-19 00:37:40 UTC
Idiot, this might have been fifty years ago. Today around and below
0201 components what you say is toootaly stupid. All smd boards are
today gold plated, no need for solder. What an idiot.
Yet another idiot nym for the kill file.
chimp doesn't even know what a 0201 stands for, thank you very moch.
0201 is the Medical Billing Code for diagnosis of yo-yo.
You might have been hearing it, from some other guy. You are entirely
unemployable in any civilized country around the free world.
Your medical Code 0201 means you are a Yo-Yo (google slang yo yo).

I employ people, if you need a job perhaps I can find you one, such as
"Gold Circuit Board Plater Scraper Person" Grade C in the country of
your choice.
