Tests of special relativity
(too old to reply)
2013-12-08 01:50:58 UTC
Your opinion is worth shit. <shrug>
Far more that yours is worth
Koobee Wublee does not give opinions but claims that can be backed up by
evidences. <shrug>
Bullshit .. no evidence from you
But you don't show it .. just empty claims. As usual
Just put up some money.
You don't deserve it
Hey, Koobee Wublee has done all the works as
you know. <shrug>
You've done nothing but shoot off at thew mouth about things you clearly
don't understand
Showing that will also show how SR leads to (E = M c^2) or (E^2 = p
c^2 + m^2 c^4) where (M = m / sqrt(1 – v^2 / c62) in which the
Einstein Dingleberries are ever so fvcking clueless as deriving just
that. Koobee Wublee will show you how if you are willing to put up
some money. After all, you are willing to shove up $100 to purchase
the garbage written by these clueless self-styled physicists that PD
had mentioned. <shrug>
Blah blah blah .. nothing but excuses.
Again, this is an ample opportunity for you to learn,
There is nothing worthwhile that a moron like you can teach me
but Koobee Wublee want to see you to put up some money first. <shrug>
Fuck off
And you did it again
Yes? <shrug>
The real issue is that there are no scholarly work that can show (E M
c^2). <shrug>
Bullshit, as expected from crackpots like you
Then, show us. <shrug>
Look it up .. there's plenty there
Whom? You Peter Webb? <shrug>
Whom? You Peter Webb? <shrug>
Ps. Don’t you thing the game of “knock, knock. Where’s there?” is
getting old? <shrug>
You're the one playing it, moron

Now.. fuck off, there's a good little shrugger.
2013-12-08 01:52:24 UTC
Furthermore, there has *never* been an observation
that contradicts a prediction of relativity.
Wrong. I just posted a very simple one in this thread.
No valid refutations yet.
Where .. show this contradiction. I've not seen you post one yet. You
just make a lot of noise and bluster with no results (like your fellow
2013-12-08 01:53:07 UTC
It HAS been refuted. You are wrong.
Total word salad.
So you cannot understand "It HAS been refuted. You are wrong" and think
that is word salad. BAHAHAHA
You and WIZ kid must be brothers.
You must have failed kindergarten with your inability to comprehend very
simple English sentences.

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