Henry Wilson, DSc
2009-07-22 22:58:47 UTC
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 06:35:52 +0100, "Androcles"
suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
1.. nonexistence
2.. nondistinctive
Yes, it's typical of fuckwits that they can't spell.The second adds that this speed is independent of the relative motion of
light source.
Both these claims are precisely in line with the predictions of
aether theory, which regards light transmission as being identical to
sound except that an observer's time and length scales contract by the
ratio with motion through the supposed absolute aether. As everyone
knows, the
speed of sound in a medium is independent of source speed. Without such
medium, there is no reference for speed other than the source itself.
Contrary to what many claim, the MMX does NOT prove the nonexistance
The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spellingthe
light source.
Both these claims are precisely in line with the predictions of
aether theory, which regards light transmission as being identical to
sound except that an observer's time and length scales contract by the
ratio with motion through the supposed absolute aether. As everyone
knows, the
speed of sound in a medium is independent of source speed. Without such
medium, there is no reference for speed other than the source itself.
Contrary to what many claim, the MMX does NOT prove the nonexistance
suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
1.. nonexistence
2.. nondistinctive
They constently remind me that the english langwige shood be modernised so that
anywon can read the bludy stuf.
Henry Wilson...www.users.bigpond.com/hewn/index.htm
........putting Physics back into Phairyland...