Uncle Ben
2009-04-28 02:50:11 UTC
In modern treatments of relativity, the presence of an ultimate
limiting speed, designated "c", is known to be a direct
consequence of the first postulate.
Bullshit, the limit is consequence oflimiting speed, designated "c", is known to be a direct
consequence of the first postulate.
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and is nothing whatever to do with the first postulate.
inevitable consequence of the first postulate combined with
is an inevitable consequence of the something else, dork.
a few
reasonable assumptions
It is NOT reasonable to assumereasonable assumptions
the speed of light from A to B is c-v,
the speed of light from B to A is c+v,
the "time" each way is the same
and then try to prove that assumption, you can't use c+v and
have to use (c+v)/(1+v/c) instead!
You have no clue what "reasonable" means, IDIOT!
that must be true for any valid physical
Too bad it is FALSE for any valid theory, CRETIN.theory.
There have been many peer-reviewed
Oh, here we go.
1 Direct proof
2 Proof by induction
3 Proof by transposition
4 Proof by contradiction
5 Proof by construction
6 Proof by exhaustion
7 Probabilistic proof
8 Combinatorial proof
9 Nonconstructive proof
10 Elementary proof
11 Proof by "everybody knows" (proof by popular opinion).
12 Proof by "because I say so" (proof by assertion).
13 Proof by "it is written" (proof by appeal to authority).
14 Proof by "you prove it isn't!" (proof by simple denial).
15 Proof by "what about the tooth fairy?"(proof by irrelevance).
16 Proof by "I'm smarter than you, so there!" (proof by bluster).
17 Proof by "read a text book" (proof by bluster revision 2).
18 Proof by "You're'n'asshole!" (proof by ad hominem attack).
Proof 18 is my favorite, I use it often. It is very effective when used
against proofs 11-17. Fight fire with fire, I say. Proofs 1-10 have me
defeated, they prevent me from using proofs 11-17 and I have to bite
the bullet and embarrass myself to win the argument (which I must do
at all costs upon pain of death by diarrhea of the verbal kind).
"Peer review" is proof 11.
Actually the 1905 peer review of Einstein's paper was "It's a load of
rubbish" and the peer review today is "It's a load of old rubbish".
Here is a free download of a paper published in Physics Education
(written for high school teachers) that you may be interested
I'm a retired engineer that has worked in industry, not a rednecked(written for high school teachers) that you may be interested
schoolmarm in a little red schoolhouse built in a Tennessee back forty.
Proof 13 carries no weight either. Go play with your little red wagon
and leave the navigation to those that know how.
In empty space, light happens
to travel at that speed because the mass of the photon, so far as
is known, equals zero.
Very logical, I'm sure. Shellfish happen to live in the sea becauseto travel at that speed because the mass of the photon, so far as
is known, equals zero.
they are invertebrates (so far as is known). We'll ignore other
invertebrates that don't live in the sea.
Equivalently, it can be stated that
constant c is a direct consequence of the geometric properties of
spacetime. This geometric justification for the existence of
constant c is all very simple to anybody who cares to read the
first few dozen pages of an elementary textbook such as Taylor &
Wheeler. There is no mystery to it.
There can be no justification for the non-existent, and there isconstant c is a direct consequence of the geometric properties of
spacetime. This geometric justification for the existence of
constant c is all very simple to anybody who cares to read the
first few dozen pages of an elementary textbook such as Taylor &
Wheeler. There is no mystery to it.
NO EVIDENCE for a constant c in all frames of reference, only
for a constant c relative to the source.
All variants of emission theory agree that there is no intrinsic
limitation on the speed of light in empty space.
Correct! Well done! And the same is true for emission fact.limitation on the speed of light in empty space.
Some people might even doubt light is emitted.
Yet all variants
of emission theory insist that light is emitted at precisely "c"
relative to the source.
Wrong. Some variants of emission fact insist electromagneticof emission theory insist that light is emitted at precisely "c"
relative to the source.
radiation at different frequencies have different emission speeds,
but that is too advanced for you, Jeery.
Wanna see? No, of course not, it would be against your religion
and a bigot such as you is blind.
In emission theory, what miraculous combination of circumstances
results in light being emitted at precisely "c" relative to the
In crackpot theory, what miraculous combination of circumstances resultsresults in light being emitted at precisely "c" relative to the
still beating hs mother?
In production line theory, what miraculous combination of circumstances
results in Fords being made at precisely the same rate as Chevys?
In ballistic theory, what miraculous combination of circumstances
results in bullets being fired at precisely "v" relative to the rifle?
at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
Right. I fully agree.So why, in emission theory, should photons all be emitted with
speed c?
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?speed c?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
That is indeed the question.
Rifle bullets are not all emitted at the same speed.
There is variation from bullet to bullet.
So why, in ballistic theory, should bullets all be emitted with speed v?
Real sources are messy things composed of atoms or other
particles zooming around in rapid thermal motion. It should seem
that light emitted from typical sources ought to show a spread
of velocities in the multiple parts-per-billion level.
Yep. And they do.particles zooming around in rapid thermal motion. It should seem
that light emitted from typical sources ought to show a spread
of velocities in the multiple parts-per-billion level.
Want to argue with experimental evidence, you ignorant fucking clown?
Produce *YOUR* experimental evidence.
Yet there is no such evidence for such a spread in velocities of
emitted light.
Jeery has never heard of spectral line splitting.emitted light.
Since nu is constant, c is proportional to lambda.
c1 = nu * lambda1,
c2 = nu * lambda2.
Spread of a spectral line, spread of velocity.
Do you see any spreading, MORON?
No relationship between Jeery and science.
Single-attosecond pulses of XUV light have been
simultaneously and this is evidence of no dispersion observed. Don't you
think it might be wiser to look for dispersion at a range of 20
Numerous experiments searching for source dependency of the speedgenerated in the lab. Emission theory suggests that such tight
pulses of light should disperse over distances of just a few
Yet dispersion is not observed, even when attosecond
pulse experiments are conducted in high vacuum chambers.
The firing squad all hit the target from a distance of 20 metrespulses of light should disperse over distances of just a few
Yet dispersion is not observed, even when attosecond
pulse experiments are conducted in high vacuum chambers.
simultaneously and this is evidence of no dispersion observed. Don't you
think it might be wiser to look for dispersion at a range of 20
of light have found none.
of light have found all.
11 Proof by "everybody knows" (proof by popular opinion).
12 Proof by "because I say so" (proof by assertion).
13 Proof by "it is written" (proof by appeal to authority).
14 Proof by "you prove it isn't!" (proof by simple denial).
15 Proof by "what about the tooth fairy?"(proof by irrelevance).
16 Proof by "I'm smarter than you, so there!" (proof by bluster).
17 Proof by "read a text book" (proof by bluster revision 2).
18 Proof by "You're'n'asshole!" (proof by ad hominem attack).
In emission theory, what forces light to be emitted at exactly c
relative to the source?
In ballistic theory, what forces bullets to be emitted at exactly vrelative to the source?
relative to the rifle?
at the same speed. There is variation from bullet to bullet.
In crackpot theory, what forces Jeery to still beat his mother?
Doesn't matter if you don't understand it, Jeery, the evidence is what- Hide quoted text -
Doesn't matter if you don't understand it, Jeery, the evidence is what- Hide quoted text -
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nothing to him.
Uncle Ben