search engines;)
Gilmar, you are as transparent as piss on a rock. Do you really think
that PROJECTING your worthless life onto me or others somehow makes you
better than the LOSER you are? You haven't one ACTUAL *friend* in your
disgusting life...because you are an idiot, a thief, and a lying
asshole. You and Hickey (Puma) make a good pair -- but whatever good I
saw in either of you at one time was an illusion that you portrayed on
Usenet. In your actual MISERABLE lives, you are both rejected by all
decent women. Your treatment of me and my kindness to you both at one
time is proof of why you both should have been castrated a long time
Even worse, you claim to be VICTIMS. Just like OJ Simpson, you are
abusers and victimize others, but whine and pretend you are the
aggrevied parties. Impotent pekkerheads.
A part-time barista for 18 months is NOT a lifetime "career waitress".
You and Hickey are both stupid. Do either of you own a dictionary?
No wonder that frizzy-haired walrus you are beholden to failed as a real
estate agent. She's not only a thief, but doesn't know how to determine
the value of a home with her incompetent research. You would be a lucky
"dude" if you owned ANY property, let alone what I own. Instead you
blew your inheritances over the bar and bought toys.
As somebody smarter than me where you're concerned commented: You are a
blown gasket away from being homeless. LOL But, like Simpson, you
have a free home waiting for you. You can't get there soon enough for
Also see:
Victim Complex
Unwarranted Self Importance